Below you will find information about our schools. There are details about how to apply for a place for your child at our kindergarten, our four prep schools, and at the senior school. These all have welcoming admissions staff: do talk to them about your plans, your concerns and your hopes for your child’s future. They will do their best to help.
Thomas’s Battersea Kindergarten
Parents are invited to book a tour of our Kindergarten with our Head, Miss Lucy. A tour offers a chance to explore our space, meet our team, and learn more about the nurturing environment we provide.
Thomas’s Prep Schools
Our schools offer a number of tours each term for parents. Visitors will have the opportunity to hear a talk from the Head, tour the school, meet senior teachers, and ask the Head and Admissions staff any questions. Please contact the Admissions department at your chosen school location for more details and book a school visit using the link below.
Thomas’s College
Currently, we are not able to offer tours whilst Thomas’s College undergoes renovation. In the meantime, families are welcome to complete an enquiry form here, this is free and will ensure we keep you informed of key dates and developments at the College.
School fees are reviewed no later than 1st September each year.
For full details of fees at Thomas’s London Day Schools
For School Fee Payment User Guide
For information about bursaries for new pupils at Thomas's
For information about bursaries for current pupils at Thomas's
To pay school fees online
Thomas’s has strong relationships with a wide range of senior schools and spends much time advising parents and pupils to help them select a senior school that will reflect their interests and talents. Over the past few years we have sent pupils to the following schools.